Monday, October 02, 2006

Kickin' Balls

I decided that between student teaching and taking four graduate-level courses at an ivy league institution, I am simply not doing enough with my copious leisure time. So, I joined a kickball league. Yes, you read that correctly. Adults play kickball, and have enough pride in these puerile activities that they have actually formed a formal league. The primary purpose of this league? Drink beer! Secondary purpose? Kick balls! After playing in my first game yesterday (which we lost -- goddamned Shitkickers....), I am legitimately sore. My legs, arms, and back hurt! Am I that pitifully out of shape? Apparently so.

If you're interested in the league, check us out at our website!

Weird Things My Husband Finds on the Internet

Destined to be part of a series. He has now found the USB Hamster, which will inevitably be eaten by my cat, somehow causing inevitable failure of his entire operating system.

By the way, is my blog active again?